Michelin Tyres
Although they are perhaps best known for their cuddly Michelin Man mascot, it’s safe to say Michelin wouldn’t have got to where they are today with him alone. In fact, it’s the sheer quality of their tyres that have enabled Michelin to take the world by storm.
Michelin tyres are the number one choice for customer safety, fuel conservation and longevity: with Michelin tyres braking distances are shorter, fuel costs are lower, and the tyres last for up to 28,000 miles. And with a wide range of options available, from car to 4×4 and van tyres, winter tyres and high-performance tyres, there’ll be something for you with Michelin.
It almost goes without saying that you’ll stand to benefit greatly for years to come when you choose Michelin tyres. Apsley Tyres and Waterend Tyres & MOT stock a range of high quality Michelin tyres for motorists throughout Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamsted to benefit from. Simply contact us today to find out how we can tailor our services to meet your needs.