In a car diagnostic test, specialists use specialized tools to run a test on the digital workings of the car with the help of specialized tools. Professionals perform this test if the car gives a
“check engine" signal. However, we recommend you have these run regularly for maintenance.
Car diagnostic tools read the data reports created by specialized software inside the car. These data reports can help identify potentially dangerous issues with the oil tank, throttle, engine,
and transmission.
At Apsley Tyres and Waterend Tyres, we use Autel Maxisys and Launch Pro for our car
diagnostic tests. Autel Maxysis is compatible with almost 100,000 car models, which means we
are the perfect choice for any vehicle you might own. We also provide numerous other services
for vehicles, including brake repairs, and Mobile Tyre fitting.
If you’re in the Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamsted areas, contact us now, and have a
professional diagnostic test run on your car. Our team at Apsley Tyres, and Waterend Tyres is
always willing to help.